Angelic Bodyguards


imageI have never had need of a “bodyguard.” At least not the kind who stand around waiting to fend off anyone who would disrupt my day. That thought is inviting isn’t it? Someone whose only duty at any given moment is to do your bidding and protect you. One whose only task is to go before and behind, assuring safe passage throughout our day.  Let me clarify that statement by saying, “We don’t have visible bodyguards surrounding us. But to say we don’t have bodyguards is a misstatement if you are a believer in Christ.”

There are several events I recall from my childhood. Accidents that could have ended badly. I was somewhat independent. I know that I surely must have been a challenge to my young mother and to the angels that God continually dispatched to help her raise me.

I was about four years old. The house we were living in had a built in china cabinet. It was shelves inset in the wall, from near the ceiling to the floor. There were four doors of glass covering the inset shelves. Hopefully, I have provided a good picture. Now, add a four year old sitting in her child size rocking chair. I wasn’t sitting in it the way it was intended. I was in it with my knees in the seat, leaning over the back and rocking. I clearly recall my mother saying, “Kathy, turn around and sit down, you are going to go over…” Before she could finish that sentence, my rocking chair tipped and my little blonde head went through the glass. My chair and I are now in a serious predicament. I recall hearing my mother screaming for help and yet she was it. There was no such thing as 911, in fact I was told many years later, we did not have a telephone and the only car we had carried my father to work. A neighbor would take us to the hospital for stitches. Her babies head is teetering surrounded by shards of sharp glass.  I remember continual, ” God help me, Kathy please don’t move, close your eyes, God help me!” To move could have lacerated any number of very important things concerning my face and neck. I don’t recall what she used to break the sharp pieces of glass around my head to extracate her baby from peril, nor how she was able to hold me still while she did that. I was bleeding from a miraculously small gash across my left eyebrow. When she finally got me out, I remember her arms around me as we both cried.

Thought For Today:

Things happen to us that require we call out for help. I believe that scripture assures us that it is in those times, the angels standing around God are dispatched to assist His children. We don’t have to have our head stuck in a glass door to receive help. There are times of loneliness. Moments of sorrow that sweep over us. Accidents or near misses while driving. Situations when we cry out to God for help with our children, as my mother did. Somehow, she kept my carotid arteries from puncture, all while tapping the sharp glass from around my head enough to safely free me and yet keep me and my rocking chair from moving. As I was recalling this memory, I visualized my momma on her knees tapping away while angels held us both steady. My wound only required a couple of stitches. I never leaned over the back of my rocking chair again either. In fact, I don’t recall another memory regarding that chair. Hmm!  That was the first of many challenges I would present to momma and the angels set aside to minister to us. Think back in your life. I am confident that you may recall some of your own memories of challenge. You will probably  discover that you were the recipient of divine intervention or your Psalm 91:11-12 moment to.

Scripture For Today:

Psalm 91:11-12

11 For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. 12 In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. (NKJV)

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? (NKJV)

Prayer For Today:

Hello Father! You have thought of everything where Your children are concerned. Thank You for dispatching your angels to minister to us. Thank You for sending Your Son to die in our place. We just take a moment to praise You for all the times, known and unknown when angels were lifting, holding and protecting us through crisis. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter all rights reserved


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