Cornerstone of Our Christmas


Did you ever wake up and a tiny voice said, “This is not going to be your favorite day?” That is running around in my head right now. Some kind of bug started around at Thanksgiving. I have just about finished with that. I am paying an unplanned visit to the doctor this afternoon. Not my favorite thing to do either. I may get to come off blood pressure medication after many, many years. That is a blessing for sure. That is still not making me excited about visiting my doctor.

I know we all have things to do that we do not completely appreciate some days. But, it is the season of Christmas! Snap out of it Kate! When I get in this situation i just pick up my Bible and let it fall open in my lap. God always has a response to what is troubling me.

Scripture For Today:image

Psalm 118:22-25
22 The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.
23 This was the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. (NKJV)

Well, there we have it! We know that Jesus was the stone the builders rejected and yet He became the chief cornerstone. The cornerstone of a building is the first stone laid in the foundation. It is crucially important as all remaining stones will be laid based on that one.

Jesus is not only the cornerstone of Christianity but isn’t He also our personal cornerstone?  We must first accept Him as Savior.  He then becomes the cornerstone in the foundation upon which we build our lives. We know though storms may come and our lives may shake and feel unstable, yet our cornerstone is strong and in place. He holds us in His hand, He goes before us and behind us.

Thought For Today:

I needed that this morning. My cornerstone, my rock is in place. This is the day the Lord has made! He goes where I go and deals with what I deal with. How can our days go wrong? The enemy is that little voice telling us that we are not going to like our day. He loves to put anxiety in our heads. He was defeated by our cornerstone on a cross. Though he is allowed to roam around and disrupt, he does not have the final say in our day. So here we come world! Whatever is before us, we are not ever alone in the battle! We claim victory today!

Prayer For Today:

Hello Father! Oh thank You for sending Jesus to center our lives! He is our courage, our high tower, our warrior! Believers especially should be joyous at this time of year. We celebrate the birth of the Christ Child! What a gift we have received! Father, help us witness to those we meet today. Let them see Jesus in us. Help us leave those we meet with a smile and happy hearts! Oh, and Father I need a bit of help with this blood pressure. I give it to You now. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.





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