Facebook launched on February 4, 2004. I did not have the benefit of sending out a call for help from prayer warriors during my first serious crisis. Mom became ill in 1996 and would leave for her heavenly home in 2001. We heard a good bit of criticism about Facebook or FB as you often see it written, when it first launched. The younger folks created and initially used it. Then something happened. I recall reading that FB had been “hijacked by old people.” That term is quite amusing to me. There would be no “young people” were it not for old people…But, I digress.
I have found FB to have been similarly “hijacked by believers” as well. Everyday, we see posts that encourage with scriptures and prayers. I wonder, does the enemy feel pressure with all the “God traffic” on social media? Does he scatter?
Our precious church families began and still use “prayer chains” daily. That is where I had my first experience with prayers of the faithful. It is a wonderful way to call for warriors of prayer to take a moment out of their day and pray in response to a need. I find it very comforting that a call for prayer, immediately brings a response. Immediately! There is a feeling of power in a crisis when you know warriors are interceding.
FB has also taken a role to extend the spiritual power of the prayer chain. As one who has asked for prayer many times since I first logged into FB…Thank you. The response from family, from friends, friends of friends, classmates from forty-eight years ago, and strangers continues to amaze me. It is so comforting to see the response. A social media prayer chain in action.
As our scripture says, “He calms the storm. So that its waves are still.” But, first we must cry out to the Lord. I am committed to stop what I am doing the minute a prayer request pops up. Sincerely, pause and lift the one calling for prayer, immediately up to our Lord. We don’t need to know all the details of the crisis unless the one asking wants to share that information. Our Father in Heaven knows exactly the who, what and where.
His response. I believe He immediately addresses the source of our fear, illness, sorrow, panic, anxiety. He builds a barrier for travel protection. protection for our children. Hope replaces despair. When you intercede for someone you are alerting God. He already knows, but He loves conversation with His children. Suddenly, that one who asked is not alone. God then begins to still the waves. The boat stops tossing. Peace begins to replace the stormy mind that satan loves to stir up in a crisis. We then give thanks to the Lord for His goodness. All because you prayed for someone.
You dear warriors of prayer, are the frontlines of the battlefield. Awesome work for our Lord. You have taken a venue that some would say is a vehicle of evil and turned it into a positive ministry of prayer and witnessing. An instant connection of prayer, hope and concern between families and friends.
Scripture For Today:
Psalm 107: 28-30
28 Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses. 29 He calms the storm, So that its waves are still. 30 Then they are glad because they are quiet; So He guides them to their desired haven. 31 Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men! (NKJV)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! Some would say social media is a tool for evil. Anything can be used in that way. I have found a multitude of believers willing to stop what they are doing and pray, when the call comes. I pray this morning for all of those willing to intercede. You know each of their names. Bless them today in their ministry of intercession. I pray Your abundant favor over them and their families. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter. All Rights Reserved.