Is our true treasure the material things we attain or is it something more valuable? We can be very wealthy and prosperous in the eyes of the world and yet be poor having not possessed the treasures God has for us.
Halakhah: Jewish religious laws from the written and oral Torah.
This law was in place during the time Jesus walked, per the Halakhah: “If the treasure is unmarked and found on public land, it belongs to the finder. If it is marked, the owner must be sought. If it is natural (such as a gold nugget or diamonds) on unmarked or private land, it belongs to the owner of the land.”
Those listening to this parable from Jesus would understand the meaning based on the laws at that time. Therefore, the finder of the treasure (The kingdom of God) in our scripture has found the joy and the value of knowing a God who loves Him. It was of such value to him that he is willing to sell everything to buy the field where it was buried.
Thought For Today:
As I studied for this writing it occurred to me that we of all people from ancient times to now are most blessed. We can find the treasure of inheritance God has for us through the blood of Jesus. The cost? It’s only cost is turning from walking the road the world walks and believing that Jesus died for our sins and accept Him as our Savior.
We have access to every version of the Bible online at no cost. Even if we don’t have our own computer we can go to a library and seek the treasure there. There are free Bibles everywhere. Any scripture you need to study is available. Commentaries abound to help us with understanding. The only price we have to pay is our time in prayer, study and meditation of God’s holy words and the acceptance of Jesus as our Savior.
Where is the field holding our treasure? Is it within our heart? When we accept Christ as our Savior there is a thirst to know the value of our newly discovered treasure. Reading the scriptures reveals it to be priceless. The beautiful words, knowledge and wisdom of the living God revealed to us are held in the heart of our souls. No one can come and buy our field or dig up our treasure and remove it. If it goes missing, it is because we have given it away or chosen not to see the value of it and discarded it.
Can we even imagine what our life would be like if we did not have the assurance, the comfort, the peace and joy that knowing Jesus brings. One more thing…we are eternally listed as a recipient to share in the inheritance of our Heavenly Father. Is that not a reason to shout with joy today?
Scripture For Today:
Matthew 13:44
44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. (NKJV)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! Oh the joy of searching for the secrets of Your treasure and where to find it. Thank You for making provision for all who seek and find You. We pray that we bury that priceless treasure deep in our hearts and grow each and every day in our walk with Jesus. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter all rights reserved