In Good Times and Bad


God led His children from Egypt through the wilderness. They spent forty years in a drought parched desert, going round and round the mountain many times.  They worried about food, water and getting through that experience. He gave them Canaan and the promise of a future if they obeyed Him. They went from just enough to more than enough. Their “good times” and prosperity led them away from Him, to other gods.

There have been times when I could have stamped, “guilty” right across my face. I had to be sent back around the mountain a time or two. The wilderness experience is a time of learning and realignment. God will get our attention as a good father is always going to do.

God is our best and closest friend when we are scared, wandering and desperately needy. He hears our prayers. Our season of lack is replaced with God’s favor. Times are good. Slowly, our prayers get shorter and then time travels between our visits with Him. We stop reading His word, worshipping Him and then our praise offerings start to wane. Then our money starts to go solely to fun times and keeping up with the Jones’. Our tithing suffers.

Thought For Today:
I could not tell you the name of the movie, but the character had suddenly found himself afloat in the sea. Shore was a long way from him. He began to plead with God to help him. Then came the promise of devotion forever if God would just get him to dry land. That has stayed in the back of my mind for years and years. Would he have indeed stayed true to his pledge?

Our God is a jealous God. Not jealous like we generally think of jealousy in relationships. He is our God and He desires that nothing replaces Him as the God of our life. Not money, not houses, cars, entertainment, hobbies, jobs, friends, immoral behavior…nothing! He will fight for us. We quite possibly will not like the discipline required to bring us back to Him.

Scripture For Today:
Hosea 13:4-6
4 Yet I am the LORD your God ever since the land of Egypt, And you shall know no God but Me; For there is no savior besides Me. 5 I knew you in the wilderness, In the land of great drought. 6 When they had pasture, they were filled and their heart was exalted; Therefore they forgot Me. (NKJV)

Exodus 20:5
5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, (NKJV)

Prayer For Today:

Hello Father! No one loves us like You. Help us to run to You and stay. We pray for guidance everyday to walk with You through all the phases of our lives. The good, the bad and the ugly. We pray that we stay close to You in thought, word and deed, no matter the season we are in. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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