Have you ever sat before someone you admired with ever fiber in you…and words come to you from that person that the enemy intends will diminish your spirit? I think that we all have experienced that in our lifetime at least once. If you haven’t, be ready for that situation. It will happen. I have good news for you! God prepares us for such an event. It may be a parent or the friend that is closer than your brother or sister. It may be your spouse. It may be your employer. It may even be your pastor. All of us are capable of hurting and disappointing the very people that have given us their trust, love and energy. It is a given in life.
What do you do when faced with a painful situation? We have two options. We can face it with God or with Satan as our advisor. Do you lash out? It is not human nature to listen to criticism and not want to lash out. To make a correction in their thinking. To get even. To return pain for pain, hurt for hurt. God knows that about us. He made provision for that. The correction is His business. Satan, wants you to come down to the fiery pit of hell with him and react with fire, hatred, angry words so that you will ultimately destroy any witness you might have had for Christ.
Let’s use a term that I don’t often use but seems appropriate now…what would Jesus do? Jesus was met hourly with criticism, anger, hatred for the person He was and the message He needed to deliver. Yet, you will never find Him lashing out at the ones delivering the hatred and anger toward Him. He could have. He had the power to strike them dead where they stood. One who could raise the dead, could most certainly reverse that situation with a word. He could become angry. He cursed a fig tree until it died (Mark 11:12-14).. He threw a fit in the temple because of the money changers. He overturned the tables and caused a bit of disruption in the day’s business (Matthew 21:12-13). However, His response to criticism was always words from His Father delivered with grace. Sometimes firmly, but always with grace, tinged with a bit of mercy.
Thought For Today:
As followers of Christ we really have only one option…Grace. Satan will send a little demon for your left ear who will be reminding you of all the inappropriate ways to respond…to lash out, words to set fire to the air and make a stand. But it is written…when a temptation is before us God gives us a way out. I believe grace is the vehicle out of most any difficult situation. So it is, God sends an angel to your right ear. That angel will remind you of grace under fire, even may remind you that a prayer you have prayed is being answered right before your eyes. Yes, it is coming painfully but don’t some of the answers to our prayers come wrapped in pain and disappointment?
So, prayerfully we take the high road of grace. Our journey with this situation isn’t quite over just yet, is it? What to do now? That very hard thing to do…forgiveness, must come. You have to let go, find the blessing in the situation. There is always a blessing in the midst of a crisis for a believer. You may have to search for it, but there is one. Let…it…go! Turn it from a bad thing to a blessing. Forgive and move on. You and that angel that was speaking grace in your right ear? Well, you have new fields of treasure to plow together. Get on with life, love and that very important ingredient for a content spirit…Grace tinged with a bit of mercy.
Scripture For Today:
1 Peter 4:10
10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (NKJV)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! Thank You for sitting with us in the various courts of opinion we come under every day. Help us to find the good thing in it, the course correction You have for our lives…the learning and growth experience You want to see in us. We pray that forgiveness becomes a victory in ou walk, lifted to You and a release to our encounters. Forgive us of our sins and where we fail You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter all rights reserved