Grace From The Beginning



Has God always loved us? Like a wonderful Father, doesn’t He desire that we are successful? He looked ahead to help us. He laid the foundation. He also knew, what we learn as parents…often discipline is required and corrections must be made. He knew long ago we were gonna need a Savior to get us out of a lot of difficult situations.

When our first parents disobeyed God, He exercised grace. He could have destroyed them right then. He did not. He gave them something they did not deserve. He gave them His grace, His favor. He put them out of that magnificent place He created for them but He allowed them to live. They would experience having children and family. That was favor, a grace they did not deserve.

Then came Noah and a civilization that was wicked in every way. Scripture says that the intent of their heart was focused on evil. Once again. Godly grace “showers” Noah and his family. God could have destroyed man and creature alike. He chose to extend grace. Rebuilding civilIzation and nature was part of His plan. The rainbow, a promise. Once again, grace. Favor from God.

Genesis 6:8
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. (NKJV)

Moses led the Israelites through the plagues and out of Egypt, across the Red Sea. He put slavery in their past. They whined so much and refused to obey, until a several day trip turned to forty years wandering in the desert. Moses came down the mountain with God’s Law and a face so radiant that he wore a veil to keep from frightening his people.  Scripture says Moses knew the grace and favor of God.

Exodus 33:13,17
13 Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.” (NKJV) 

17 So the Lord said to Moses, “I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.” (NKJV)

What comes to your mind when you hear the word grace? Jesus? The gift we do not deserve.  God’s favor in the flesh of man. Grace that walked upon the earth. Grace that healed the sick, made the blind to see, fed the hungry and raised the dead. All so we would turn our thoughts to God. Cause us to turn our eyes upon Jesus. God’s grace in the flesh, the Savior of the world. Amazing Grace!

John 1:17
17 For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (NKJV)

Thought For Today:

Beginning with Adam and Eve, until Jesus proclaimed that He was the fulfillment of prophecy, all who lived were looking to the future. To the cross. To the cornerstone that would be rejected. To the Lamb that would be slain. To the Messiah who would die with outstretched arms, be buried and rise again.

I think that we who look back to the cross are most blessed. We have the awesome Word of God. All of it. A road map all the way from creation to John’s Revelation. Those who lived before Jesus had the first five books. That is it! We have so much written word of God to refer to. The nights on the battlefields of anxious, fearful and sorrowful. His word bringing courage, mercy, compassion, wisdom and hope!

We are looking back at the cornerstone who was rejected. Back to the Lamb who was slain. Back to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, a bridge between heaven and earth with outstretched arms, who died and was buried and raised again. Back to the tomb where Mary wept searching for the body of her Lord. Back to her inquiry of the “Gardener” who said her name, “Mary” like no other voice could say it. Back to the nail pierced hands that prepared breakfast for His disciples beside the Sea of Galilee. Back to the famous doubter Thomas who actually touched those nail pierced hands. Back to the King of Kings who was seen by at least five hundred people before He ascended to take His seat at the right hand of God. The source of all grace and favor.

Now tell me. With all that information, why do we struggle to believe? I think it is that first sinner. That first one to challenge God. That first fallen angel cast out of heaven. The deceiver of our first parents. The creator of the evil and wickedness in the heart of Noah’s fellow citizens and the heart of every person that has ever lived. He chases after us every chance He gets. The great deceiver who desires that none would be saved.

The only One he could not get into the mind and heart of? Jesus. Jesus, who physically delivered salvation to us via an “Old Rugged Cross” and victory over death.

If you have found Him, Praise God! If you are still trying to find Him, believe in Him now and reserve a place in eternity. At the very least keep seeking. He is waiting on you! The proof is before us. The written accounts over the ages of the observers, the scribes, the martyrs who took horrific death rather than deny Jesus as Messiah.

Ask yourself this one question. If it is all a huge hoax what have you lost by believing? On the other hand, if it is all truth, and I say to you that my life experience tells me it is, and you choose not to believe? You have lost everything. Is that a risk we would ever want to take?

Prayer For Today:

Hello Father! Thank You for thinking of us. Thank You for making a way for us to find You. For amazing grace! We pray now for those who are searching, that they find Jesus. Thank You for sending us grace, mercy and forgiveness,  all in One…Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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