Our Hiding Place



Saul pursued David for four years from 1018 to 1014 BC. This chosen of God who had slain Goliath was now being chased from cave to cave, continuously on the run. He spent the next four years in Ziglag until Saul died in 1010 BC. David has had problems now for eight long years.

Even though Saul was not actually in pursuit, David’s trials were not over. Achish, commander with the Philistines, asked David and his men to join them in battle against Israel. Though David had agreed we don’t know what he would have ultimately done.  That never came to pass. The  Philistine soldiers considered him their enemy and refused to go into battle with him. Though Achish could find no fault in David he asked him to take his men and leave. David and six-hundred of his men returned to Ziglag to find the Amalekites had burned the town to the ground and taken all their wives, sons and daughters captive.

I Samuel 30:4 Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep.

David was,”a man after God’s own heart.” He was the highly favored  son of Israel. Now he must try to help his six-hundred grieving soldiers and grieve himself for the loss of his wives. He not only saw their inconsolable grief but their anger at him as well. They wanted to stone him. If a time would ever come when you felt God was not with you, this would be such a time for David.

Have you ever felt like that? There was a time when I thought that God had turned away from me and was choosing not to hear my prayers. Sadly, you can read or hear people say things to you that are very much like Job’s dear wife and friends. These things are happening because you have yet to do something that God needs from you. I believe that is a lie from the enemy. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior and are trying to walk in obedience, stay in the word and seek counsel with Him then we have to come back to a fact of life, “the rain falls on the just and unjust alike.” (Matthew 5:45)

If David, who had found a place of favor in God’s heart, can experience fear, loss and grief then I suppose we are no different. Easily, David could have cried out why me Lord, became angry and very bitter. He could have looked for someone to blame or even blame God. But still, he turned to the God who loved him. He proclaimed Him as his shelter, defender and his hope. He turned to God on those nights when the tears surely came and discouragement loomed like a dark heavy cloud over his soul.

Thought For Today: We have God’s heart. He loves us, He made a way for us to reach Him through the blood of Jesus. Yet, we live in a fallen world. Darkness and evil abound and spill over everyone. We are not chased by an angry king, but perhaps we have lost someone dear to us. Has financial crisis come and stayed far too long? Maybe, there is loss of a relationship that has burdened and left a broken heart. Illness comes and brings incredible worry and sorrow. Rejection from family. I could write pages of the things that befall believers. Yes, believers…Those who God loves enough to send His Son to take our place on the cross. It is in those times, we lift our eyes to our God and say like David… even so… you are my hiding place and my shield. You will bring me safely across the battlefield’s of my life.

Scripture For Today:
Psalm 119:114
114 You are my hiding place and my shield;
I hope in Your word. (NKJV)

Prayer For Today:
Hello Father!
We like David, turn our faces to you and proclaim you as our hiding place where we can find rest from the troubles of this world. You defend us with your shield. Our trust and hope is in You. We ask for your comfort and peace in times of sorrow and trials. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


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