Love For Broken Hearts


We don’t like broken things. Broken things are cast off,  put away, pushed aside, and  frowned upon. Anger can rear its ugly head when things break. Cars, dishes, hearts?

Hearts break everyday. Some hearts break easily. Some are hard cases. What breaks our heart? My first thought was people. Our children, our spouses, our friends. But do we know what it is to have a broken heart because our relationship with God is not what it should be? To be broken is a sign of weakness to everyone but our God. He welcomes the heart that comes to Him broken.

To have a broken heart is to be humbled, laid low. Cut down to size. Lowered and deflated.

God knows our hearts. He sees everything hidden there. He sees the sin against Him. He despises sin. We will never truly find happiness until we deal with the sin in our life.

~Thought For Today~

All God wants to see is a contrite heart. A heart that feels regret and sorrow for sin and offenses against Him. A heart humbled and broken. Owning up to the realization that we are imperfect. We make mistakes. We hurt the people we love. They may walk away from us. God does not. God desires that we find forgiveness through the blood of Jesus who died to cover all the sins of a broken heart.

God in all His holiness, loves the broken heart of a repentant sinner. He does not despise, reject or discard the one who comes humbled and remorseful. He does just the opposite. He dwells with the cleansed heart.

Such a simple solution to the sin problem, that it confounds the “wise.”

~Scripture For Today~

Psalms 51:17

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. (NASB)

~Prayer For Today~

Hello Father! We pray for Your forgiveness of the times we have been obstinate in our sins. Refusing any opportunity to repent and humble ourselves before You. Reveal to us the things that need to be removed from our lives. We pray that we kneel before You with a contrite heart and make a place for You to dwell. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

©2015 Kathy Ledbetter. All Rights Reserved.


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