Misplaced Allegiance


There is a way that brings calm and goodness instead of chaos and difficulty. I know that all of us found as we were growing up that sometimes we wanted to push against instruction instead of listen, absorb and make it a valuable part of our lives. After all, we were smart. Right? What we didn’t understand quite yet was that those who had gone before us had to learn the same lessons of life. Their advice came from knowledge, often learned the hard way. The world will drag us into a whirlwind of enticing desires. Most are not good for us. The enemy makes them “look” good on the outside. He desires that our devotion or allegiance is placed in him and the world instead of the triune God. If we are not careful the world will be chasing us and bringing us down.

The world is run by an underlying evil and its director…satan. We tend to get caught up in what the world of materialism tells us we need. To be successful, to have things, to make a lot of money. We see it on television, in magazines and read about it in books. This advice comes from so-called “experts.” The only expert advice we need is centuries old. It was written for our knowledge long ago and yet the information is still as vital today as the day it was first written.

Have we not walked in this way? We learn our “lessons” about the workings of the world, by trial and error.  It is vital that we know Jesus personally as our Savior. He is the mentor above all. The instruction and knowledge that comes from our relationship with Him will enable us to be successful in life without sacrificing our lives and hearts upon the altar of things. The best way to know His will is to read His word. There is a saying that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Well, a little Bible reading a day will keep satan at bay as well. Where Jesus resides the enemy will flee. He takes some of the worldly pressures off of us.

Credit card debt is a perfect example of what happens when materialism overtakes us. I have past experience with this enticing vice. Praise God, I can say it is a past vice. Our eyes see something we just have to have. We don’t really have the funds to buy it so we use money that we don’t have. The money we use belongs to the credit card “benefactor.” It is hoped that we will “feel” wealthier than we are. It sadly is our culture to have things the world has, at all costs.

Credit card banks are very happy when we do this because they tack on an interest for allowing us to dip into their pockets. They get wealthy by making us poorer. They hope we will continue down this road because we may eventually fall into hard times and miss a payment. That gives them the authority to raise the interest rate higher. It is very clear how they become powerfully wealthy. The financial expert Dave Ramsey opened my eyes to the seriousness of a liaison like this. One indebted to the credit card companies is like a gazelle being chased by a lion. The one being chased will be killed. The one chasing will eat. A difficult place to be in.

I learned the hard way that I was paying for things that had long ago grown out of style, worn out or no longer were in use. Wow!! Working to pay for things that are gone. Does that make any sense? No. But we happily are filling the pockets of the credit card banks at the cost of our peace of mind. That…is bowing to an idol. Investing in something other than God. Those “blessings” will be temporary. Who deserves our allegiance? Our God is a jealous God. He desires that we put no other gods before Him.

Thought For Today:

If we trust in Jesus, read just a few scriptures from our instruction book everyday…we will grow in knowledge and wisdom. That is more valuable than silver and gold. One day we will look back and see that though we may have had to wait, the blessings did come. The financial security did increase. The employment God desired for us became a reality. The peace that passes understanding became one of our most treasured blessings.

Scripture For Today:

Psalm 32:8
8 I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give counsel. (NLT)

Proverbs 8:10

10 Accept my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than pure gold. (NLT)

Prayer For Today:

Hello Father! The world is enticing. It is so easy to fall into the traps of the enemy. Father, we pray that we are able to focus on You and invest our time and life in You. The blessings for our investment in You are eternal and lasting. Give us discipline. We pray for the ability to stop, think and pray before letting go of our funds and spirit to the things of the world. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter all rights reserved


2 thoughts on “Misplaced Allegiance”

  1. This is so true! Unfortunately many of us (including me) have “been there, done that.” A good rule to follow is: If you use a credit card, NEVER, EVER charge more in a payment period than you can pay. NEVER carry over a balance to the next month. When we realize that all we have belongs to God, that He only allows to use it, it’s easier to budget and stay within its limits. God wants us to be free from the burden of debt!

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