We have all heard the Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme, Monday’s Child. That sweet little rhyme tells us what a child born on each day of the week is. I suppose it might be fun to find out how close you are to fitting your day in this rhyme.
However, it is just a rhyme. God says who we are. Not Mother Goose, not Mom and Dad, not our spouse, boyfriend, or neighbor down the street. God says who we are.You are very special. He chose you. He loves you.
No one knows our heart like God. No one cares for us like God. No one knows what we can be and do with our life, quite like God. No one knows the trials of our life, like God. He knows everything about us…And He still loves us.
It is impossible for people to replace God in our life. They want to be there for us but do they really know who we are? Try as they might, they cannot know our soul. They can make predictions about our success or failures, they can surmise who we are by our appearance our habits, they even stand with us in our sorrow, our sad days, try to ease the pain of our wounds. They try to be the best of friends and help steady the boat in our storm but we all know that many times life happens and friendships fail. Don’t mistake what I am saying. Family and friends are treasures that we need to stand with us. But, God knows us on a much deeper level. He knows everything! Kinda scary when you think about that.
So, what do we do with this information? I say rejoice! When the world is not with you, God is. When your relationship fails and the door slams, God stays. When the loss of loved ones comes and the last visitor leaves, God remains. Financial failure comes and sleepless nights drain us with worry, God is there in the mess.
Thought For Today:
How can I say all the above? I am not only quoting what scripture says but I am also sharing my experience from my own history. I look back and wonder how I made it thus far. I was born into a family who loved me. I have stood at the grave of all of them. I have experienced trials, financial worries, broken relationships, sorrow and fears like everyone else. The one constant in my life…God. He has directed my paths. He has taken me over the rough places and I have no doubt He will continue with me. He is the only one who makes Himself available twenty-four seven. He is the only one who knows the deepest areas of my heart. The things I have only shared with Him. I trust Him completely. He goes before me and behind me on the field of battle. To date, I have not found all the above in anyone on this earth.
There are so many scriptures that tell us who we are in Christ. Space limits me but here are the references to just a few. Search for more. Trust me. We are chosen to be loved and cherished and to go out and bear fruit. Amazing the love our Father in Heaven has for us. He is very vocal about what He thinks about us.
Scripture For Today:
In Christ I am: His child (John 1:12), His friend (John 15:15), Confident (Phil 1:6), Blessed (Eph 1:3), Adopted (Eph 1:5), Redeemed (Eph 1:8), Forgiven (Col 1:14), Hopeful (Eph 1:12) A witness (Acts 1:8), Alive (Eph 2:5), At peace (Eph 2:14), A temple (1 Cor 6:19), Powerful (Eph 3:7), Able to stand firm in the face of evil (Eph 6:13), Victorious (1 Cor 15:57).
John 15:16
16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. (NKJ)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! Thank You for Your word. We are who You say we are. We pray that we receive that. That we believe that. That we do not allow the world to define us. We pray for the confident spirit You say we are, to appear, when evil presents itself. Energize us this day to meet the world with a confident and strong spirit. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
©2015 Kathy Ledbetter. All rights reserved.