“On some days your will and Mine flow smoothly together. You tend to feel in control of your life when our wills are in harmony. On other days you feel as if you are swimming upstream, against the current of My purposes.” Quote from Jesus Calling Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young
That is a truer statement than any other I know. Isn’t it true that some days go so smoothly that we feel on top of the world! We have got this, Lord! Then twenty-four hours pass and everything that can go wrong… does? Then we get quiet, fretful, anxious, worried, easily drawn away from the comfort of the Master.
At sixty-six years of age, and many days when I felt abandoned, I have learned the above statement to be true. So true! When things are going well, the bills are paid, the car works, friends are happy, boss his happy, we tend to forget that we play a very small part in that. We get so happy that we rush off to our day and forget to seek God. We feel so great that we grab a quick cup of coffee and race out the door. Without so much as a hello to the Father. We have got this day under control!
It seems it is then that something comes up out of the blue. Money is required. It wasn’t in the budget! The car starts making an unfamiliar noise. Oh no! You detect a problem with a friend. First thought? What have I said or done? You arrive at work. Boss is not smiling. Not a good environment to spend the day. Then, we cry out, why me Lord?
I am never sure if things are happening because the enemy does not take delight in my happiness or is it my Lord? My jealous God who loves to hear from me everyday. My God who desires to help make my paths smooth before me. My God who desires my coffee comes with time out and a conversation with Him. My God who will even allow some disciplinary actions to remind me just who and where my happiness and wonderful days come from.
I have become atuned through the years when this happens. I have been known to pull into a parking lot. Turn off my car and have a little visit with Jesus. The conversation goes something like this…
“Okay, I know You desire to hear from me everyday, even if it is just five minutes. I know You know what is going to come at me today. I also know, You can remove the bumps and the pot holes but You expect a bit of work from me. I understand that grabbing my coffee and darting out into the world without saying even a hello to You, leaves me wide open for trouble. So, I am pausing in this parking lot, to acknowledge You are my pilot. I am not able to fly this plane called my life, alone. You know the travel plans. So, I give You the place of Honor for this day. Be my Guide. In Jesus name. Amen”
Something happens that I can only explain as peace. The ability to work out the payments of those unexpected financial requirements, take control of a racing mind concerning my car, ask God to bless my friend who is upset and return that frown with a smile and prayer for that boss. Amazing grace! Both yours to others and God’s to us.
I am retired now. The workplace plays no part in my life. I survived years of car conversations with Jesus. However, retirement does not end worries. In fact, it may increase some. However, morning coffee and conversations with Jesus are still required by the Father. It is the best conversation over coffee that you will ever have. My conversations? Though the setting has changed. They have never failed me.
Isaiah 65:1
1 The Lord says, “I was ready to respond, but no one asked for help. I was ready to be found, but no one was looking for me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am!’ to a nation that did not call on my name.” (NLT)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! You must grow weary, waiting on Your children to call out to You before crisis come. Before we are beaten down by the issues the world brings to our door. We pray that the first conversation of our day is with Jesus who immediately dispatches our concerns and fears to Your ear. He died to be our advocate. He desires daily meetings and conference calls. Thank You for sending Your Son to walk with us through our day. We ask Your blessing for the beautiful day ahead. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
©2015 Kathy Ledbetter. All Rights Reserved.