We are living in difficult days. There is no way to pretty things up. It is, what it is. But, how should believers behave, living in an opposite world? What was right is now wrong and what was wrong is right. How do we handle all that is going on? Do we “fit” in or do we “stand” out? Do we go along with the crowd or do we stand for what suddenly seems unpopular or wrong. Do we stand up for the One who died for our sins when the world is trying to erase His name?
I love the fourth verse of this beautiful song. It is the anthem of believers for the days in which we live. There is the rattling of the sabres of battle around the world and in our own country about the magnificent, awesome name of Jesus Christ.
Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus by George Duffield, Jr
Stand up, stand up for Jesus! the strife will not be long;
This day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song;
To him that overcometh a crown of life shall be;
He with the King of glory shall reign eternally.
To be called the righteousness of Christ often turns people off as though the believer thinks of himself above others. What a mistake that is. Merriam-Webster defines righteous as: acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from the guilt of sin.
The believer is made righteous in Christ through freedom from the guilt of sin. We are sinners forgiven by Jesus. We are called to be morally sound per divine and moral law. Righteousness is only attained through Jesus and His forgiveness of our sins. What happens if we as believers fall under the spell of the world and begin to “fit” in?
Thought For Today:
The scripture for today really hit home with me. We are either a clear, flowing, body of fresh water or we are a well of water that has become muddy. If we let ourselves be overpowered by the evil of this world and begin to condone things that are contrary to scripture…our spring has become muddied and unfit for human consumption. The light of our witness has dimmed or gone completely out. Let us stand up for Jesus in the fields of battle. There will be days when the strife seems long and laborious but soon we will sing the victor’s song. Isn’t that a good resolution for 2015? Stand up for the goodness that is Jesus? Be an advocate for Jesus here as He is an advocate on our behalf before God?
Scripture For Today:
Proverbs 25:26
26 A righteous man who falters before the wicked Is like a murky spring and a polluted well. (NKJV)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! That scripture is pretty humbling. We pray that we are the sparkling, clear water running through a dirty land. Father, we pray that we have the courage to call right, right, and wrong, wrong. That we choose to stand for You, rather than fall for anything the world tries to replace You with. Father, we pray that standing up for Jesus kindles a fire throughout our world. Though we are persecuted for standing, let us have a fraction of the bravery of our Savior. He was beaten, carried His own cross, and died for our sins. The only sacrifice You need from us is to receive, stand, and honor Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter all rights reserved