God took time to rest on the seventh day after creation. He knew it was important that mankind do the same. How do we find that rest? The rest we seek and that God wants for us is found in God and Christ. There will come a time when we will reside in our eternal home and rest from our labors. But, God wants us to have a semblance of that rest here and now.
I remember a time as a child when every store in town shutdown on Sunday. You could not buy a thing until Monday morning. There were no convenience stores. The Blue Law apparently began in Roman times and migrated to our shores. The law began in Texas in 1863. It banned working, drinking, gambling and horse racing on Sunday to name a few. The purpose was to focus on church only on Sunday. After years of controversy that often put merchant against merchant, the Blue Law was abolished. That occurred September 1, 1985.
Fast forward to this day. We don’t need laws to enforce rest. We find our rest in time spent thinking on the things of God and Christ. The ultimate rest will occur when we step across the threshold of this life to eternity with our holy God. Until then, we are to think on that heavenly “Sabbath” and create something similar for our lives here and now.
Thought For Today:
It is not always possible to set a complete day aside for physical rest. But there are ways to rest spiritually by finding periods of time to be still and think on the rest, peace and comfort that we find when in Bible study or quiet conversations with our heavenly Father. Finding that time may require rising earlier than normal before our day begins to spend quiet time and reflect on the rest available to us through Christ. This may sound strange to some but I have reflected on that rest while waiting in traffic, standing in a grocery line or at my desk burdened with a workload. You can find moments throughout every day to think on the goodness and rest that is in Christ. God desires that you join other believers in church on Sunday to refresh and be encouraged by the love and support you find there. Take time away from he labors of life to worship with like minded believers. Whatever day or days you can devote time will refresh you and keep you in rest and battle ready for what ever the day brings.
Scripture For Today:
Hebrews 4:9-10
9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! Rest is indeed a blessing. Some days it is hard to find a moment to stop and think on the rest we find in You. Help us to find that moment in this day. No matter what our day holds for us, we pray the rest found in Christ is ever on our minds. Help us keep our focus on that good thing You have provided for us. Forgive us our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.