David was definitely blessed of God. The shepherd boy was anointed for a future as King. He would defeat an opponent who by all rights should have had no problem killing this boy. David’s only weapon was a slingshot and three stones. God was surely on his side. He would go on to be a great King and lead men into many a successful battle.
To be able to say that God is on our side certainly does not mean that He will not discipline us when we disobey Him. We know, that with all of his success, David made a very serious mistake. It was Spring when men went into battle. He chose to stay home (II Samuel 11:1). There was a reason God needed him in battle. He fell into temptation and his actions took him from one sin to another. God stepped in and disciplined him with a heavy hand. Having the Lord on our side, does not mean that we can go on our way without consequence. God requires obedience from His children.
David took the discipline. Rose up from the floor of sorrow and fasting, washed his face and got back to the business of serving God (II Samuel 12:20). Man can do nothing to us like God can. Therefore, the call is to not be afraid of the enemies that surround. If God disciplines us then what must He do to our enemies? God answers their motives just as He does ours.
Thought For Today:
We are all going to be challenged in our lives by people that we may feel are our enemies. They will have agendas that we do not understand when they come against us. What I get from this scripture is freeing to a degree. You wake up one day and find you have an enemy. Let me clarify something. Enemies come in different forms. There are enemies whose ideology is to kill us. We can meet an enemy who does not know us but through others will say and do things that damage our character. Then there is the most painful of the enemies we may meet. We may not recognize them as an enemy in the traditional definition. It is someone very close to us. Someone we have admired and trusted. They may have an agenda that requires change and they do what they must do.
Oftentimes, that may temporarily hurt and crush our spirit. But, take heart! The God who disciplines us, will at times allow people to do things that give us an opportunity to move up a level. What He requires is that we exercise the grace He extends to us and move to that new level of promotion. He has in essence cleared the path to advancement. When we are prayerful about situations, there is no revenge, No need to be vocal, bitter or angry. God will take care of both sides of the battlefield.
Scripture For Today:
Psalm 118:6-7
6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is for me among those who help me; 7 Therefore I shall see my desire on those who hate me. (NKJV)
6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? 7 The Lord is on my side and takes my part, He is among those who help me; therefore shall I see my desire established upon those who hate me. (AMP)
6 God’s at my side and I’m not afraid; who would dare lay a hand on me? 7 God’s my strong champion. I flick off my enemies like flies. (MSG)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! It is hard to understand Your ways at times. The one thing we know without a doubt is that You are the defender of Your children. Man can do nothing to us. We are not afraid. Not only are You there for us but You place people in our lives to help us as well. Every action has a consequence. You know every motive, whether it has honor or not. You will take care of what concerns us. Thank You for your love. For sending Jesus to save us from our sins and defeat the enemy who seeks to devour. Forgive us of our sins. in Jesus’ name. amen.
© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter all rights reserved