My baby sister passed on August 22, 2013. I spent several weeks just stunned by her death. Though I was the oldest child, I found myself the last one standing from a family of five. Sounds silly as a sixty something person to feel like an orphan, but that is what I felt like. Thankfully, I was employed and working very hard. That may have helped to numb the sadness and grief that swept over me. I just kept trying to walk forward and do what was expected of me.
On September 14, 2013, I was sitting in my den with a cup of coffee. I was pretty lost. Some might call what I was in that day…a “pity party.” I could not make myself get up and get to the business that Saturdays were full of. I had been reading my Bible and trying to “snap” out of it.
Suddenly, I got up and stepped out to my patio, bare feet and PJ’s., coffee cup in hand. I could hear an airplane close by.
I looked up and saw a plane drawing a big circle right over my house. I ran to get my phone to take a photo and a video. I stood watching a smiley face forming in the sky directly above my home. No one would believe what was happening right over my head, without proof. The photo with this post is a still shot of the finished artwork.
You would have to know my sister to understand the joy that I felt watching this smiley face created overhead. The last thing she said to me as they rolled her to surgery for a brain tumor, was, “Jesus is going to heal me.” She gave me a thumbs up and a smile. It was so like her to ask our Heavenly Father to send me a sign that indeed, Jesus had healed her and she was okay; that I should go on and be happy.
Now you may find it hard to believe such things but I am confident that the pilot who drew that for me, was sent by divine intervention into my grief. I was stunned, happy and tearful all at the same time.
Several weeks later, I showed my video to a friend in my office building. I told her what had happened. At some point she relayed that to members of her church family. The pilot in charge of running the air show that day was there and told her that the pilot who drew my smiley face, got way off course that day. He wasn’t off course! He was doing God’s work! A day I will never forget.
Thought For Today:
Have you ever felt so low and sad that you just can’t get up out of your chair? That is how I was that day. I know that most of you understand that kind of grief. Our Father, never takes His eye off of us. He knows the number of hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30) right this minute. If He keeps track of that, doesn’t He know our pain, grief, sadness and difficulties as well? I know that we get so stressed and bogged down in the things going on in our world that we are missing subtle reminders that God is on duty regarding our lives. What troubles us, troubles Him. Like any good Father, He wants His children to be happy. We are beginning a season to honor His greatest gift to us. Let us watch for God’s smiley faces.
Scripture For Today:
Numbers 6:25-26
25 The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. (NKJV)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! You are the Father of our dreams! You never leave us alone in our grief and sad times. You minister to us in the most unexpected ways. You take people and turn them into blessings without them having any idea of the important missions they are on. Thank you for hearing our prayers, catching our tears and turning them to joy and peace. Forgive us when we feel You have abandoned us. You are the Father who will never leave us. I pray for those who grieve this holiday season. Send your angels to minister love, comfort and peace into their lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.