Working on my weekly Bible study which was on the Passover. My eyes fell on one little verse. Really pretty astounding, when you think what Jesus had just done and what lay before Him. He had eaten His last meal with His disciples before He would suffer and die. This mini celebration I reference would happen just before He prayed in the Gethsemane Garden.
At that Last Supper He recalled their history. The Exodus from Egypt all the way to what would be their new history after this night. I wonder if they fully understood what Jesus was telling them. Grace was there with them, serving them. The coming New Covenant with the Lamb and the blood and the request to “remember Me.” But, there is this one little verse. He sang a hymn before He went out to the Mount of Olives.
Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn. With all that was on His mind. With all that He would suffer. With His knowledge that one had already betrayed Him and soon one would deny even knowing Him…and yet He takes a moment and He sings. Praise! Worship!
Thought For Today:
This information gives me something to strive for. The first thought that came to my mind was the children led out of Egypt in the Exodus. Even after witnessing the angel of death passing their firstborn by, the Red Sea parting, giving them safe passage. Seeing the destruction of Pharaohs army as it came thundering after them, destroyed in that same water. Yet, they began a pattern of whining, fear and stress. Not trusting the God who brought them out… Would also bring them through. Fear that they would starve or die of thirst. Making them seem so ungrateful and demanding. Don’t we often find ourselves doing the same thing?
But, now we have Jesus. He acknowledges the “bringing out” of the Exodus, He acknowledges the “freedom from slavery” to Egypt. He acknowledges that “God will redeem them”…It is that “bring you to Him part.” That protection part. That cup that Jesus passed to His disciples to drink, yet He did not. After all of that, knowing what He knew, He still sang a hymn with His disciples.
I have read in a number of writings that they sang one of the Psalms from 115-118. I am going to put just one passage here from Psalm 118:22-24. We have nothing to tell us what exact hymn they sang but He knew He was to be the stone rejected and yet He had joy enough to worship and to sing. This passage speaks to that. Even though it looked troubling and terrifying, it was still gonna be the day the Lord had made. For just a moment there was rejoicing and gladness.
Psalm 118:22-24
22 The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. 23 This was the Lord’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. 24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. (NKJ)
When trouble comes. When fear knocks at our door. When the voice of the enemy says God is not watching, listening or caring about our situation. For all the “when’s and what if’s” living a life brings, can’t we be confident, that the Triune God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit sing over us hourly to bring us through?
Scripture For Today:
Matthew 26:30
30 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.(KJV).
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! We pray that we grasp your word and hold it close. Absorb it. Remember it. On those days of trouble and fear, we pray we sing and rejoice, though it troubles us, it is still the day You hath made. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
© 2015 Kathy Ledbetter. All rights reserved.