The Warmth Of God’s Love


I have enjoyed retirement from the workforce. I love working around my home. I enjoy working in my yard. This is the first time in forty-seven years that I can truly enjoy preparing my flower garden and yard for the summer. I actually have become a bit jealous of my time. My quiet time. My home time.

I have been doing some part-time work for a friend. Today was a day set aside to do that. I was not wanting to go. Sitting on the patio. Cool morning air. Coffee in hand. Birds singing as they ate their breakfast from the feeders. Wanting to write instead of drive. Lord, I really would like to stay here. You have spoiled me. Reminds me of the mornings I wrestled with that in my life before I changed course. Sought counsel with my Heavenly Father and stopped running. There are benefits to aging.

That was my frame of mind when I put the key in the ignition and backed out of the garage.

I felt it first, then saw it. Warmth on a brisk morning and then the rays.

The sun just peeping over the fence. Shining through the new limbs of the neighbors young tree. Buds just beginning to open. The rays of the morning sun casting a pale yellow half circle around the sun. I paused to capture that sight to share.

Okay Father. I get it. I would have missed this warm early morning beauty had I stayed home. God always has a reason for when and where we go. The warmth of it reminded me of the beautiful blessing in Numbers 6, commonly referred to as Aaron’s Blessing. The warmth that knowing God brings to our soul is very similar to the warmth that His sun, brings to our everyday lives. He makes His face to shine on us.

A reminder every morning that He is still here. No matter what was on the news. No matter what we need to do today. No matter the job that steals our peace. No matter what worries and fears we are struggling with. No matter the sorrow we carry. His face still shines on us. It lifts from the horizon on all of our days. A reminder that the One who created this beauty, also created us. The One who keeps this earth turning also can keep our lives moving. He only requires a few very important responses. Obedience to His word. To hear our voice in prayer time and belief in His Son.

By the way, I was blessed in the workplace today too!

Scripture For Today:

Numbers 6:24-26

24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.

25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.

26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give the peace. (KJV)

Prayer For Today:

Hello Father! What beautiful things You have created for us. Your every thought from the beginning has been on us. You made all things to surround us with wonder and your love. We pray today and the days to come, that we take time to look around us. See the works of your hand. Read Your word and love Your Son. This morning we feel the warmth of Your gaze and love for us. We ask for the forgiveness of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

©2015 Kathy Ledbetter. All Rights Reserved.


1 thought on “The Warmth Of God’s Love”

  1. I cannot count the times this has happened to me–something I didn’t want to do, but had to do. I may have grudgingly done it, but then . . . an unexpected blessing–a sign of His Presence lit the way!

    P.S. Beautiful writing! This is some of your best!

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