I tried reading the news tonight and find once again, very sad news, loss of life, unfathomable grief. Ridiculous out of control behavior everywhere. Chaos, turmoil and high anxiety.
I experienced a bit of trouble taking my mind from a very troubled world and focus on writing. “Lord, it really should not be this difficult to write about You, Your goodness in a messed up world!”
Before I took my next breath, right there in the middle of the page were the words that have given me the answer I was looking for.
Can I get a witness that God will never fail to respond when we need answers? There is an answer for every question our mind can ask, in God’s word.
Paul has the perfect answer for us. He suggests that we find something that has virtue and that is praiseworthy and meditate on it. Replace what is false, unjust, impure, ugly, of bad report and unworthy of praise with the exact opposite. He gives us some hints.
Things that are true. Things that are noble. Things that are just and fair. Things that are pure and lovely. Anything of good report and worthy of praise. Find and then meditate on those things.
As long as there are people walking this earth with hearts belonging to Jesus…finding all of the above is possible. My mind takes me back to a sanctuary of hope last Sunday. Truth from God’s word was present, giving us hope. There were the smiling faces and warm handshakes of several generations of noble people. People who treat each other in a just and fair way. Lovely, kind, happy, people! People who have stories. Stories of survival. Survival from wars, broken homes, broken marriages, illness, sorrow and grief, financial difficulty, pain, fear. Each who had turning points in their lives when they stopped looking at the world and meditated on the word of God and met His Son, Jesus. People with different life experiences but one very important thing in common, the forgiveness of sin, through Jesus.
Thought For Today:
It is time to think on good things. Stop letting the world decide what we meditate on. Think instead on the knowledge that God is in control. He is always going to be in control and He knows where each of His children are right this minute. What troubles us, troubles Him. He has given us a road map to follow through His word. From what I can tell, things are moving right along per scripture.
Those people I mentioned? They leave their place of worship and go out to share their stories. You have a story. It has value. God helped you write it just so you could share it as you walk theough your day. Someone needs to know that survival is possible, That healing will come. That sorrow will find a praise. Are you the witness someone needs to meet today?
Scripture For Today:
Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (NKJV)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! We pray for eyes that see the goodness that still inhabits our world. The ability to filter what we let into our minds. The willingness to share our journey. The desire to be still in quiet time with You and Your word. An ear to hear You whisper…walk this way. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.