Dedicated to our grandchildren: John, Christi, Jacob and Zachary
We are living in a time when a number of voices are telling us to believe this or that, go here or go there, do this or do that. Our children will be hearing teachers, professors, friends and the news media giving advice on many things. The challenge? Seek the wisdom of God’s word when listening to world views. World views can deceive us.
The things we hear from the world may sound very appealing. That voice may make us think that we have been led down the wrong road by our advisors and mentors. The world does not have our best interest at heart. Our Heavenly Father intends the best for us.
There is a voice that means good for us and not harm. It is the only voice that will not lead us astray as we travel along life’s journey. It is the voice of our heavenly Father. A relationship with Jesus Christ will afford some benefits that no one else on this earth can give us. He extends grace and the forgiveness of sin. That assures us of eternal life. That is important, because though there may be a separation for a time we will be rejoined with those we love, eternally. Our relationship with Jesus will send a counselor to us in the form of the Holy Spirit. I believe, that is the voice scripture says we hear from behind us, telling us what way to walk. Listen carefully. There is wisdom in listening and thinking on the choices before us…before we act. If it does not seem right or it makes us uncomfortable that is a pretty good sign it is not a voice we should follow.
When it is time to go out and establish ourselves in society, that voice will be our guide to walk upright in all we do and to stay close to Jesus, our Shepherd. He keeps us from falling for the schemes the enemy creates to disrupt our lives and steal our peace.also
Thought For Today:
On a personal note to the four children who have stolen our hearts. You can be assured that every day without fail, you are being prayed over. Your success in life and your relationship with Christ is of the utmost importance. PaPa and I can tell you from our own experience that no other relationship will love you and bless your life like the relationship with Jesus. There may come a time when storm clouds will loom overhead and you will feel that you are alone. When Jesus is your Savior you are never alone…never. We have personal experience with the storms life can bring. He has never left us alone.
So, we prepare to celebrate Christmas. Those who love you most on this earth are gathered around you. God has given you to them to bless both their lives and yours. He entrusted them with your care and made them your first teachers for a reason. There will be gift exchanges and laughter. Jesus is our guest of honor! Celebrate the greatest gift ever given to mankind…the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
With unending love and prayers without ceasing,
MiMi and PaPa
Scripture For Today:
Isaiah 30:21
21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (NIV)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! We pray for all of our precious children. They are subject to hear voices desiring to lead them down the wrong path. We pray that they are able to discern good from evil, right from wrong. We pray that all of our children are blessed and highly favored throughout their lives. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.