Jesus was going to be leaving the world and His disciples. He prayed to His Father about those He was leaving behind. We often hear that believers should be of the world not in it. What I gain from the prayer of Jesus is that the believer is not of the world but sent into the world. We are to mingle. We cannot affect what we don’t come near to.
Believers are called to be two things in this world. Salt and light. We have discussed the light before but let’s go a bit deeper with this salt metaphor.
Salt has always been a preserver. The breakdown and corruption of meat is halted by rubbing it with salt. It slows the decaying process. It also brings flavor. Seasons all that it touches. Hold that thought just a moment.
The people of Galilee mixed salt with animal manure, let it dry and used it as fuel in their ovens. Fire starters! Wood as a fuel was hard to come by. This mixture would make the fire burn hotter and brighter. That explains why Luke refers to salt that is no longer useful even for the manure pile.
So let’s take these scriptures and apply them to our calling as believers in a world that is decaying. Bluntly, a manure laden, decaying, society. The salt of the earth must mix with the manure of the earth. The addition of the salt starts a fire that is brighter and hotter. Whoa! Think on that for a moment.
We cannot affect what we will not touch or come near. Believers are sent into a decaying world to influence it. To improve it and yet not be drawn into it and lose our purpose. Our saltiness. Our fire for Jesus. Our determination to change but not be changed by the decay and evil in the world.
All of this has given me pause. We often will not mix with the world out of fear. Fear of being overcome and influenced. But Jesus asked the Father to “keep them safe from the evil one.” If the believers won’t go, how will the world know the difference between decay and the preserving flavor of salt. Darkness and light. Jesus and satan.
Scripture For Today:
John 17:14-19
14 I have given them your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. 15 I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. 16 They do not belong to this world any more than I do. 17 Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. 18 Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. (NLT)
Luke 14:34-35
34 “Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? 35 Flavorless salt is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!” (NLT)
Matthew 5:13
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. (NLT)
Prayer For Today:
Hello Father! We are not meant to hide out in our homes and churches and separate ourselves from a lost world…are we. It is pretty scary to step out of our comfort zones and venture close to what we don’t condone. Jesus knew we were not of this world, but like Him, we are sent into the world to spread the good news. Sprinkle the salt of goodness, purity, love, compassion, hope, mercy, grace and forgiveness, in His beautiful name. The name above all names. We pray that we take our commission seriously and start seasoning the world right around us. Our corner of the world. Cover us with Your wings as we venture out. Speak up. Season with Your goodness. Right where we live. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
©2015 Kathy Ledbetter. All Rights Reserved.