They are “mentor believers.” Those special people who either led us to Christ or were observing our walk to find Him. They bring blessings from their years walking with Jesus. Wise ones who are so patient with new “youngsters in Christ.”
The pastor who baptized me in 1967 was such a good teacher of the word. I made the remark as a “baby Christian” that I was concerned that scripture was too difficult to understand. It has been so long ago but the content of his response to me was that I should read it and read it often. Keep going back. God would help my understanding. Make reading it a part of life. Just like brushing our teeth and eating.
My grandmother Wilcoxson gave me some advice that I believe has proven out. She said, “It is okay to return to our Lord with repeat prayers. He is patient. It is when we return time and again with the same prayer accompanied by worry, that is not good. Worry is like telling God we don’t trust Him with our request. Excellent! I was not able to abide by that advice until about 2001. It has proven to be an excellent nugget which has helped me get countless hours of sleep instead of prayer walking all night through my house, wringing my hands.
Even so, there may be times when jumping overboard seems the only possible solution. That is when all those wise words from our past spring into action. Two words stand true. READ AND PRAY!
Thought For Today: Ever have something or someone come against you and just “get you riled up?” You fret and become anxiety bound in zero to three seconds? After all that…You pray? Within twenty-four hours, your crisis is over and you feel a bit silly for getting “crazy” when God had everything under control.
My theory on that? God has seen us at our worst. I wonder if He shakes His head like my earthly father did when I was not operating at my best? I am confident God has actually rolled His eyes at some of the things I have brought to Him. Jesus, who is there at His right hand? Our advocate? Can’t we hear Him saying, “Oh, ye of little faith.” But, haven’t we all been the recipients of His awesome teaching during those moments when we became overwhelmed and fear started to sweep us over the side of the boat? Here are some “Prayer Pearls” to keep close at hand. They can be life savers in a storm.
Scripture For Today:
Psalm 138:3 3 In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.(NKJV)
Isaiah 65:24 24 “It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear.(NKJV)
Psalm 34:4 4 I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears. (NKJV)
Philippians 4:6 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; (NKJV)
Prayer For Today: Hello Father! Thank You for placing godly men and women in our lives. We pray that we find courage in their experiences. When it is our turn to pass the “nuggets of a believing life” down, we pray we do it with the same love and wisdom that they shared with us. Forgive us of our sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.